Happy Holidays! Merry Christmas! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday and got to spend time with those you love. Chris and I spent Christmas Eve/Day with the Korf/Piha's, and we're heading down to celebrate with the Reese's tomorrow. At this time of year I always wish the two families lived closer together. But, the bright side is that we can extend the fun over 2 weekends! (And, I get to hit up the great after-Christmas sales for my side of the fam's gifts!)
Just a few updates. We left off with my clinic calling to tell me they would re-examine PS #1's ultrasounds, since her doctors feel that she'd be a viable carrier. Yesterday (finally!) I received word that after looking at the ultrasound pictures, they're still not sure. ARGH! They've requested that she come in for a saline-infused sonogram (SIS), so Dr. Campbell can examine her uterus himself (at no charge to either of us, bonus!) Being the amazing person she is, PS#1 already has it scheduled for January 8th, and I will be joining her for the appointment. It's a relief to know that we'll actually have an answer that day, as he'll be able to tell immediately whether or not he "approves" - no waiting for results (another bonus). AH! The next week and a half are bound to be full of both fear and hope - not unlike the last year I guess!
You might be thinking "jeez LA-weez, what a hassle!" Yeah, me too, at least initially. But in the end, both sides just want to do right by all involved, and it's humbling to see both sides advocating for us. I understand why my clinic wants to do ALL due diligence in approving the carrier. It would be devastating to get even further along in the process only to learn the carrier can't actually carry, ya know? And on the other side, I love that PS #1 and her doctors are fighting for us and don't want us pass up what could be an ideal match. I've said it once (or 100 times) and I'll say it again - what an adventure!
About PS#1 - it's absolutely amazing just how on board she is with all this. Seriously, she doesn't even bat an eye about anything that's been asked of her so far. I told her I felt bad about her having to get an SIS (it's the same thing I had several months ago and, well, it sucked!) Her response was the usual - that she'll do whatever it takes and if this is what it takes, so be it! And when I warned her that she will be gushing saline the rest of the day and to get ready for pads as big as diapers, she replied: "diapers will just be an added bonus in prepping me for my older years!" Ah, I'm so glad I'm taking this ride with someone who has such a great sense of humor. Seriously, she's an angel. Love her!!!!
Please pray, keep your fingers crossed, send good vibes....whatever it is you do....for good news on January 8th!!
FINALLY!! I almost asked you like 8 times today but didn't want to ask in front of others. :) YAYYY! Fingers, toes and eyes crossed!