Tuesday, October 16, 2012

My very first blog post!

Welcome to my blog!! I've been thinking of starting one of these for awhile, and finally (with the prompting of several friends) decided to go for it! I love to write (or should I say type?) Most of you probably already know me and are reading because I sent you the link and told you to. :-) For those of you who don't know me - I hope you find something useful, relatable, or entertaining - or just a way to pass the time. :-)

Your first thought might be "what the #$% does 'Baxter's Mama' mean??" Let me tell you!

I'm not much of a pet person, but I've long wanted something I could call Baxter. (And, much to the horror of my entire family of in-laws, I picture Baxter to be a kitty - don't you??) My dear hubby Chris has made it very clear that there is no cat in our future. Well, fine then. Fast forward to a night of typical conversation in the Piha household, when Chris and I were discussing what we would call ourselves if we were to ever start a band. TA-DA!! Without hesitation, I said "Baxter's Mama". This gem of a name came to me instantly - it was meant to be.....or not. Considering I have no musical talent or ability whatsoever, I don't think a band is in my future either. So, I may not have a kitty or a band I can use this golden nugget on, but I have a new blog that needed a name so there it is!!

Now that we got that out of the way, let's get to the primary reason I started this blog. Chris and I are on a journey to make me a mama (to a child, not an animal named Baxter, just to clarify) and this journey has turned out to be much more than we ever expected. To cut to the chase - we are in the process of finding a gestational surrogate. Needless to say, there's A LOT involved with this, and we are blessed to have many people in our lives who want to know every detail. My hope is that this blog will serve to keep those who want updates informed, without them having to listen to me on repeat. :-)

More details to come, but that's all for tonight!!

1 comment:

  1. Love, Love, Love!!! And love you!! It's going to be an incredible journey and I am here for both of you beginning to end!!
